【空中散歩】No.16 砂川七番➡︎玉川上水
砂川七番/Sunagawa-Nanaban The origin of the place name is that the Sunagawa area was divided from No. 1 to No. 10 … “【空中散歩】No.16 砂川七番➡︎玉川上水”の続きを読む
砂川七番/Sunagawa-Nanaban The origin of the place name is that the Sunagawa area was divided from No. 1 to No. 10 … “【空中散歩】No.16 砂川七番➡︎玉川上水”の続きを読む
泉体育館/Izumi-Taiikukan It was named after the public facility in Tachikawa City, the Izumi Civic Gymnasium. A fa … “【空中散歩】No.15 泉体育館➡︎砂川七番”の続きを読む